News & Updates


Prof. Chun Li
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The much anticipated CASNMMI annual meeting was successfully hold on June 24, 2019 during the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Conference at Anaheim, California, USA. Some of the memorable events from this meeting are highlighted below. during the annual meeting of the SNMMI 2017. More than 120 scientists, physicians, and business leaders attended the meeting.  

Lifetime Achievement Awards  

CASNMMI's prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individuals in the Chinese-American community who have made fundamental contributions and accomplishments in the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. In addition to excellence in academic research, CASNMMI recognizes physicians, scientists and researchers with distinguished career as a pioneer, an educator, a mentor, and a promotor of scientific exchange between American and Chinese practitioners. Thisyear, we are proud to present the Lifetime Achievement Award to two distinguished physician scientists from China:

Prof. Xiaohai Jin (金小海先生) and Professor Xiujie Liu (刘秀杰先生)

Prof. Xiaohai Jin was Director of the Institute of Isotopes, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing. Professor Xiujie Liu was Chairman, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Fuwai Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing. Both Professor Jin and Professor Liu have made tremendous contribution to the development of Nuclear Medicine as a field in China. According to Professor Zhi Yang (杨志, Peking University Cancer Hospital; President, Chinese Society of Radiopharmaceuticals), Professor Xiaohai Jin is one of the pioneers in nuclear medicine and has mentored more than 100 first-tier researchers and physicians. He is also instrumental in translating new technologies into the clinic. Professor Xiaoli Zhang (张晓丽, Anzhen Hospital) introduced Professor Xiujie Liu's many achievements. Among them, Professor Liu is the founder of China's nuclear cardiology. He is responsible for the introduction of 99mTc-MIBI, and the development of China's first home-made Gamma cardiac function test instrument in 1980's in China.

Young Investigator Award (YIA)  

Each year, CASNMMI give away a total of 6 YIA awrds: 1 1st prize award, 2 2nd prize awards, and 3 3rd prize awards. The winners are selected with the principle of transparency and fairness. The awards were primarily selected on the basis of scientific merits. Other factors such as geological location, a balance between basic versus clinical research etc. are also considered. The final scores given by each and every member are tallied and ranked to determine the winners. This year the winners are:

1st Prize: Yang, Zhen  

Houston Methodist Research Institute
Develop picomole-affinity VEGFR-PET probe for targeting tumor angiogenesis.
Mentor: Prof. Zhen Li

2nd Prize: Chen, Haotian  

West China Hospital, Sichuan University
Assessment of a novel 18F-labeled myocardial PET tracer in normal and ischemic models of rats
Mentor: Chengzhong Fan

2nd Prize: Cao, Jianbo  

University of Pennsylvania/Xiamen University
[18F]Fluciclovine PET tracks cellular glutamine pool size in breast cancer and changes in response to metabolic inhibition
Mentors: Prof. David Mankoff and Prof. Rong Zhou

3rd Prize: Guo, Xiaoyi  

Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute
A Pilot Study of 68Ga-MZHER2 affibody in HER2-positive gastric cancer patients
Mentor: Prof. Zhi Yang

3rd Prize: Yu, Yanbo  

Washington University School of Medicine
Development of a Carbon-11 PET radiotracer for imaging TRPC5 in the brain
Mentor: Prof. Zhude Tu

3rd Prize: Zang, Jie  

Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Safety and response to 177Lu-EB-PSMA treatment in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Mentor: Xiaoyuan Chen

Please join us in congratulating all YIA winners for their excellent work and in wishing them the best of success in their pursue of scientific excellency.

Introducing CASNMMI's Newly Elected President –Elect and Chair of the BoD

Dr. Yubin Miao received his Ph.D. degree in Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry at Beijing Normal University in 1997, under the mentorship of Professor Boli Liu. He then spent three years to carry out postdoctoral research in Professor Thomas P. Quinn's group at the University of Missouri- Columbia. Dr. Miao was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Missouri- Columbia from 2003 to 2006, Assistant Professor and tenured Associate Professor in the College of Pharmacy at the University of New Mexico from 2006-2014. Dr. Miao joined the Department of Radiology at the University of Colorado Denver in 2015,where he is a tenured Associate Professor and Director of Radiopharmaceutical Science.

Dr. Miao has served as a member of the BoD of CASNMMI since 2015. We are pleased to have Dr. Miao to lead CASNMMI from 2021-2023. With his dedication, enthusiasm, and experiences, we are sure that CASNMMI will continue to grow to serve the needs of our members.

Sponsorship and Financial Reports

Treasurer Dr. Wenping Li summarized CASNMMI financial status as of July 9, 2019.

We thank the following sponsors for the generous supports of the following sponsors:

GE Healthcare
United Imaging
United Well (Silver)
Becquerel & Sievert
China Isotope & Radiation Corporation
Dongcheng Pharmaceutical
Huayi Technology
Molecular Targeting Technologies, Inc.
Professor Hank Kong

An Invitation to All for Your Participation

We look forward to seeing all of you in New Orleans in 2020 during the annual meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

We also welcome your contributions to our newsletter. If you have any observation, suggestion, idea, or experience during this year’s annual SNMMI meeting and your trip to Anaheim, California that you would like to share with our readers, please send your articles to Professor Chun Li ( or Professor Kai Chen (

In this issue, we are pleased to share with you an article by Professor Zhu Hua from Peking University Cancer Hospital, who have given a wonderful account of the annual CASNMMI meeting and the dinner event, with a plenty of vivid pictures.

About Chinese-American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (CASNMMI)

CASNMMI is a non-profit organization formed by professionals in the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. The society was established in 1977 as the Chinese-American Society of Nuclear Medicine, and has been renamed as Chinese-American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging since 2013. CASNMMI consists of members from the United States, China, Europe, and other parts of the world. The mission of CASNMMI is to advance scholarship, collaboration, networking opportunities among our members. CASNMMI holds a meeting each year during the annual meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. CASNMMI is governed by the Board of Directors, consisted of President, President-elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and two non- officer members. Please visit us at

Current Acting Members of Board of Directors (BoD)

Prof. Chun Li, (李春), President
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Prof. Yubin Miao(苗玉斌), President-Elect and BoD Chair
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Dr. Wenping Li (李文萍), Treasurer
Principle Investigator, Merck Co.

Prof. Kai Chen(陈凯), Secretary General
University of Southern California

Prof. Zhen Cheng(程震), Past-President
Stanford University

Prof. Jenny J. Yang, PhD ( 杨 洁 ), YIA Committee Chair
Georgia State University

Dr. Yumin Zhang (张裕民), Immediate past- President


朱华 博士

2019 年 6 月 24 日,一年一度的中美核医学及分子影像学会(Chinese American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - CASNMMI)年会于美国洛杉矶-Anaheim如期召开。中美核医学与分子影像学会每年在美国核医学年会(Society of Nuclear Medicine)期间开一个晚上的"卫星会",做为自己的年会,即一次晚宴会。这是我第4次参加CASNMMI的晚宴,得益于中美之间日益加深的交流合作,参会本次晚宴会的人数也是每次创下新高。本人非常荣幸,能够和北京肿瘤医院杨志主任团队的几名同学一起作为 volunteer 参与参会人员的现场注册及引座服务。

会议上由 Dr. Kai Chen 致欢迎词。张裕民博士作为 CASNMMI 的主席,主持了本次年会。年会包括颁发终身成就奖、青年杰出研究者奖和中国学者年度学术成 就亮点评论。

理事会成员推选出的终身成就奖 授予了中国原子能研究院的金小海研究 员和协和医学院阜外医院的刘秀杰教授。他们年事已高无力参会,但都委托自己的 得力门生来自北京大学肿瘤医院的杨志研究员(放射性药物分会理事长)和安贞医院的张晓丽主任医师代表领奖并代作了学术成就分享报告。杨主任介绍到“金 小海研究员从业 50 年,培养的直接高端 人才及其团队超过百人,形成国内与国外,研究与应用,技术与管理,等多层面的产学研用的核技术应用领域高端人才体系;为中国在该领域的技术创新领先、产业发 展壮大、精英人才培养等方面,做出重要的、不可替代的贡献。”

张晓丽主任介绍到“刘秀杰教授作为中国核心脏病学的奠基人,以独特的人格魅力和智慧,高瞻远瞩, 在有关部门的领导与支持下, 在院內外专家的相互合作、多学科合作方面作出了积极作用与贡献,例如:80 年代研发了有中国自主知识产权的锝标记的心肌灌注显像剂99mTc-MIBI,国产 Gamma 心功能仪、心肌负荷药物附子一号碱等,为推动中国核心脏病发展,乃至中华医学核医学分会与国际核医学同行进建立密切交流合作方关系,做出了不可磨灭的突出贡献。”


颁奖典礼毕后,晚宴正式,本次是极具中国特色的菜品。与极具中国特色的晚宴一样精彩的,还有特邀进行报告的专家。放射性药物分会(CSRS)的理事长,杨志研究员,进行了中国放射性药物研究进展的介绍,CSRS 促进中国核医学放射性药物科学、技术与实践应用同国际接轨,共同致力于该领域的进步与发展。并期待和中美专家共同努力,推动放射性药物领域发展,造福人类。

而后是张裕民博士进行的传统并经典的项目“Highlights of Achievements by SNMMI in 2019.” ,Dr. Zhang 再次以诙谐幽默的语言,向在座各位专家学者介绍了核医学放射性药物研究领域中国学者年度成就亮点评论。Dr. Zhang 也介绍到,事实上,CASNMMI 成立比中华核医学会还早几年,主席任期两年。今年也是他卸任的时候,获得了由新一任 CASNMMI 主席 MD Anderson 肿瘤研究中心 Dr. Chun Li颁发的“Service of Excellence Award”。

随后是 sponsors presentation, 明显可见,参与到 CASNMMI 晚宴的公司数目增加了,这也代表这个领域发展了。由 Dr. Li Wenping 汇报了年度收支情况。

而后,最受青年学者关注的项目,“Young Investigator Awards” 由 Dr. Jenny Yang 宣读,恭喜这些年轻有为的青年学者。

时间飞逝,晚宴接近尾声。现任主席是美国MD Anderson癌症中心的中国裔学者李春教授,在对大家取得更大成绩祝贺中,宣布晚宴结束,期待新老朋友的明年再次相会。

遇到了领域里太多的顶级专家、 前辈,他们杰出的工作记使我感到深深敬仰。晚宴结束后回到宾馆,我想起李叔同先生的一首诗“上下数千年,一脉延,文明莫与肩。纵横数万里,膏腴地,独享天然利。国是世界最古国,民是亚洲大国民。呜呼,大国民!呜呼,唯我大国民!幸生 珍世界,琳琅十倍增声价。我将骑狮越昆仑,驾鹤飞渡太平洋…”我们从中国出发,跨越数万里长达十二个小时的飞行距离, 几乎可以从一地出发,走到这颗蓝色行星的任何其它位置。真是在驾鹤飞渡太平洋。细细思来,来自中美的核医学分子影像领 域的专家,共同相聚到一起。不仅值得在 科学研究领域所有建树,同样也需要深化双方合作,未来疾病诊治的共同目标,促进两个中美两个国家的相互理解、信任和共同发展。
